Wholesale enquiries
Wholesale for retail
We currently offer a large range of Balkan products on a wholesale basis to speciality and ethnic food stores, market stalls, delicatessens etc. Our wholesale catalogue and prices are available upon request. Please contact our wholesale department on ademir@magaza-balkanfood.co.uk or 03301289439, option 3, (8am-4pm Monday to Friday) for more information about the range we can offer you.
Wholesale for foodservice
We are proud to support many restaurants, hotels, fast food providers and creative budding chefs! We would love to support you in supplying speciality Balkan foods and non-alcoholic beverages to your customers and are happy to offer any recommendation.
If you wish to order smaller amounts of goods (single pieces, or less than retail box size), please feel free to do so through our website.
For every order wholesale or retail order, hard copy invoices are provided with the goods being delivered. If you need an electronic copy, please do not hesitate to reach out.
All prices are shown inclusive of VAT.